End of year thoughts 2016

Fashionably late as we are already into 2017 but I was at a loose end and felt the urge to put some thoughts to paper.


2016 all in all was a very good year for me. I continued residencies at Bump N Hustle and my yearly pilgrimage to Spain for the fantastic Vocal Booth Weekender but also added a bi –monthly gig at the lodge in ware but most noteworthy was being able to work with a new promoter locally in Cambridge, the lovely Sarah Day who runs Brighter Days. She is simply great and her passion, attention to detail and work ethic is spot on. It really has been a pleasure to work with her on several events. Grant Nelson at the Fez, Jacfest in the summer and a whole host of things coming up in 2017! Stay tuned for some great parties throughout the year. Between Vocal Booth, Brighter Days and the legendary Bump N Hustle events I feel very satisfied as far as playing out goes. All the people involved in running those events are very special and I am glad to know each and every one of them. It’s spurred me on to push a little more this year and see where it leads. Already have been booked to play the SSW pool party with Mood II Swing and have a big summer party lined up along side my other residencies but certainly room for more.


Late 2016 has seen me back in the studio a little after a long break. Just tinkering for now but I’m sure I will have something new to release soon. As well as my first solo EP due out on Simon Schoolboy Philips new label Timeless People.


The year was also great for other reasons; I lost weight starting exercising and eating better throughout the summer months. I don’t mind admitting I fell of the wagon after September and that only got worse over Xmas I put on a few pounds and I will shift them again although I do feel like I will become one of those that will work hard in the summer and not bother as much in the winter months.

I got to spend lots of time with the grandchildren too that is always fantastic and love the relationship we have, truly special.


There has been some stressful times and annoyances throughout the year too its not all roses but thanks to friends generally all is good. I managed to have a lovely week away in Spain staying with Andy Ward who graciously invited me over for a week of gym and sunshine, it was exactly what I needed at that time so have to say once again thank you!


I’m pretty excited about 2017 as far as music is concerned so lets catch up have a drink and a dance and share happy times together.


Much love to you all.


  1. Hi Steve great to hear all the news. Thanks for sharing. Wonderful to hear you playing out at a number of great gigs – it is very much deserved. Keep spreading the goodness my friend and very happy New Year to you and yours. Ben

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