The third in a series of “specials” Following on from Ron Trent and Jimpster, this weeks show celebrates some of the music of Atjazz. This could have easily been a super extended show and was very hard to choose from his catalogue, however I do you you enjoy the selections I made.
End Of Year Chart. 30 pieces of music that moved me in 2013
As 2013 draws to a close I decided (for the first time ever) to write a list of music that moved me in 2013 I hope that in some way something catches your attention and makes you seek out some of the music in this list. 2013 has been a great year in so many […]
Martin Iveson AKA Atjazz
Every so often I come across a piece of music that touches the soul. This is one of those amazing pieces of music. I am a bit of an Atjazz fan at the best of times but this is truly special A heartfelt dedication to his parents who sadly passed. Not much more to say […]
Collaborate and Learn Session 3
If you are reading this for the 1st time please make sure you read the previous posts as they only make sense in order. So the collaboration project with Danny is coming along nicely. We have to keep each video fairly short due to rendering and uploading restrictions but in each video there really are […]